Our Mission
Our Mission is to Completely Remove the Burden of Maintaining Your WordPress Website.
Who We Are
Based Out of Colorado, Our Team is Full of World Traveling, Adventure Seeking Techies.
What We Offer
We Offer Securely Hosted WordPress Maintenance Services and Support with Over 20 Server Locations Worldwide.
Peace of Mind…
…is different for different people and their specific business needs.
That’s why we offer three different tiers of Cloud Care support. Check out the features listed below and then chose the plan that best serves your needs.
All Plans Include:
Target Market Hosting
You want your website to be physically hosted as close to your target market as possible so that it loads for your visitors in the quickest amount of time. We have 10 server locations around the US and 10 more around the world. Rest assured, your visitors will enjoy your site within seconds of them clicking on your URL.
Automatic SSL Certificate Renewals
Some of the more popular hosts either offer their own paid-for solution and some don’t at all. We’ll apply the very popular and commonly used Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificate to your site and will renew automatically every 90 days. Imported SSL Certificates also available for a small fee.
Global CDN
The time it takes to load a page is ridiculously important. The current average attention span is 8 seconds and falling! We include CloudFlare CDN in the Premium and Professional Plans to ensure that your site loads as quick as possible so that your visitors have their attention focused your site’s content and not on how long it takes to load.
Site Security Protection and Monitoring
We have systems in place to make sure your site is secure against any unwanted attempts by would-be hackers. It will notify us in real time should any issues or threats come up and we’ll address them accordingly.
WP, Core, Theme, and Plugin Updates
We perform site maintenance, at night, while you and your visitors are less likely online. Elite and Professional plans get added peace of mind knowing that we’ll check random pages of your site to make sure that the updates were successful and no visual issues came up.
WP Core, Theme, and Plugin Repairs
If any issues do come up, our goal is to address them before you even notice. Professional and Elite tiers have total peace of mind knowing that if anything goes wrong, their membership covers their website for any out of pocket repair expenses. Our Essential tier clients may rest easy knowing their site will be quickly up and running for a small fee.
Hourly, Daily, or Weekly Backups
The importance of having regular backups is HUGE! If your site hasn’t been backed up in a while and the site were to go down for any reason, it would take lots of time=money to get your site back up and running with the latest WP Core, Theme version, Plugins version, and any recent content changes. A recent backup would reduce your websites downtime 10X than having to go back and make all of the same desired changes again manually.
Website Import
After we complete our due diligence of your site, making sure that it’s running the latest WP Core, Theme and Plugins, we’ll import your website to its new home, point your domain to the host and apply your SSL Certificate. That’s right, all of the labor intensive work of transferring your site is included. What isn’t included is if we find any problems with your site during our due diligence process. We’ll address those issues with you and offer a quote to resolve them before we move your site over.
Divi Framework by Elegant Themes For New Sites
It’s no secret that Divi is one of the most popular WordPress builders available. With great reason, the team at Elegant Themes aims to offer the best function out there. Start fresh with your own licensed copy of Divi today. This includes almost 300 Pre-made Professional Layouts. Licensing for Divi and other premium plugins are available to active subscribers of all annual plans.
Pricing Plans
- Geo-Client HostingThe closer your website is to your clients, the faster the site will load. We have 10 server locations around the US and over a dozen more across the world.Geo-Client Hosting
- Auto-SSL (Let's Encrypt)Auto-SSL (Let's Encrypt)
- Updates (Core, Plugins, Theme)Updates (Core, Plugins, Theme)
- Offsite BackupsOffsite Backups
- Security MonitoringSecurity Monitoring
- Emailed PDF Status ReportsEmailed PDF Status Reports
- Custom Login URL & PageCustom Login URL & Page
- Uptime MonitoringUptime Monitoring
- Fix Bugs & HacksFix Bugs & Hacks
- Real-time Security ProtectionVirusDie®Real-time Security Protection
- DNS SecurityCloudFlareDNS Security
- Future upgrades to this planFuture upgrades to this plan
- Locked in rateNo price increases!Locked in rate
- Google AnalyticsGoogle Analytics
- Performance MonitoringPerformance Monitoring
- Site OptimizationSite Optimization
- Image OptimizationShortPixelImage Optimization
- CDNCloudFlare®CDN
- Manual Page VerificationWe visit the site and check different pages to make sure everything is in order for your visitorsManual Page Verification
- Monitor & Fix Broken LinksOften times pages are intentionally removed. We'll correct them with the proper link if one is easily available, letting you know if it isn't Monitor & Fix Broken Links
- Online SupportOnline Support
- Staging / Development SiteStaging / Development Site
- WooCommerce SupportWooCommerce Support
- Membership Plugin SupportMembership Plugin Support
- Course Plugin SupportCourse Plugin Support
- Site ChangesSite Changes
- Discount on Additional Site TasksNeed some extra work done on your site? We can help and you can save on our hourly rates too!Discount on Additional Site Tasks
- Beta Test Future ServicesBeta Test Future Services
per month
- Geo-Client Hosting
- Auto-SSL (Let's Encrypt)
- Updates (Core, Plugins, Theme)
- Offsite BackupsWeekly
- Security Monitoring
- Emailed PDF Status ReportsQuarterly
- Custom Login URL & Page
- Uptime Monitoring
- Fix Bugs & HacksWe'll cover simple bug fixes that takes less than 30 minutes$100 per incident
- Real-time Security Protection
- DNS Security
- Future upgrades to this plan
- Locked in rate
- Google Analytics
- Performance Monitoring
- Site Optimization
- Image Optimization
- Manual Page Verification
- Monitor & Fix Broken Links
- Online Supportemail
- Staging / Development Site
- WooCommerce Support
- Membership Plugin Support
- Course Plugin Support
- Site Changes$100 / hour
- Discount on Additional Site Tasks
- Beta Test Future Services
per month
- Geo-Client Hosting
- Auto-SSL (Let's Encrypt)
- Updates (Core, Plugins, Theme)
- Offsite BackupsDaily
- Security Monitoring
- Emailed PDF Status ReportsMonthly
- Custom Login URL & Page
- Uptime Monitoring
- Fix Bugs & HacksRepairs are included with this planHigh Priority
- Real-time Security Protection
- DNS Security
- Future upgrades to this plan
- Locked in ratestorage & bandwidth monitored
- Google Analytics
- Performance Monitoring
- Site Optimization
- Image Optimization500 images per month
- Manual Page Verification
- Monitor & Fix Broken Links
- Online Supportchat & email
- Staging / Development Site
- WooCommerce Support
- Membership Plugin Support
- Course Plugin Support
- Site Changes1 task x 30 min
- Discount on Additional Site Tasks10%
- Beta Test Future Services
per month
- Geo-Client Hosting
- Auto-SSL (Let's Encrypt)
- Updates (Core, Plugins, Theme)
- Offsite BackupsHourly
- Security Monitoring
- Emailed PDF Status ReportsWeekly
- Custom Login URL & Page
- Uptime Monitoring
- Fix Bugs & HacksRepairs are included with this planUrgent Priority
- Real-time Security Protection
- DNS Security
- Future upgrades to this plan
- Locked in ratestorage & bandwidth monitored
- Google Analytics
- Performance Monitoring
- Site Optimization
- Image Optimization750 images per month
- Manual Page Verification
- Monitor & Fix Broken Links
- Online Supportphone, email, & chat
- Staging / Development Site
- WooCommerce Support
- Membership Plugin Support
- Course Plugin Support
- Site Changes3 tasks x 30 min
- Discount on Additional Site Tasks15%
- Beta Test Future Services
What is the signup process?
- Chose your desired plan.
- Check your email and fill out the secure form.
- Allow up to 7 business days to move your site over to our hosting (if you're migrating an existing site) or if we're building you a custom site.
How does Task Sessions work?
Each time you need something done, such as change content, replace an image, update the contact information, or change the map settings, you can task us to make the change. The best way to make the most of every task session is to submit each task separately, one immediately after the other. That way, if you have submitted 3 tasks that takes us less than 30 minutes to complete them all, one immediately after the other, we'll only count it as one task. On the other hand, if you submit a 5-minute task one day and another 5-minute task the next day, it's very likely that each one will be completed separately and you will have used two task sessions.
What are Task Packs?
From time to time, we offer Task Packs. They are bundled half-hour task sessions that offer you significant savings on tasks.
Tasks must be used within 180 days of date of purchase.
Refunds are allowed on unused Packs within 30 days of date of purchase.
Tasks may not be transferred to other clients.
Do I get to choose which server location to use?
In short, no. We'll ask you where your target market is located and use our own judgment to carefully select server location to host your site at. No worries, you're in good hands.
What if a purchased theme or plugin requires vendor support?
If a purchased plugin or theme requires vendor support and you want us to converse with them, you'll need to: 1. have a current license subscription with them and 2. give us access/permission to interact with them on your behalf.
How do refunds work?
If you're not satisfied with our services within reason, we'll gladly give you a refund.
- If you're bringing your website over:
If you ask for a refund within the first 36 hours of purchase, prior to completing the audit of your website, making sure the site is safe to migrate, you will receive a full refund.
Should you decide you aren't satisfied with our services and ask for a refund after the completion of the site audit and within 30 days of your initial payment, $50 will be deducted from the total amount you've paid. The site audit fee of $100 is waved for new signups, but in cases where cancellations within the first month occur, 50% of the fee is applied.
Should you decide you aren't satisifed with our services and ask for a refund after you site has been migrated and within 30 days of your initial payment, an additional $50 will be deducted from the total amount you've paid. The site migration fee of $100 is waved for new signups, but in cases where cancellations within the first month occur, 50% of the fee is applied.
If you're on a monthly plan and should you decide you aren't satisfied with our services after 30 days of your inital payment and within 7 days of your current montly payment, you are elegible for a full refund of the current month. 50% of the initial site audit fee and 50% of the site migration fee will be applied to your balance if cancellation occurs within the first 4 months of service.
If you're on the annual plan and should you decide you aren't satisfied with our services within 75 days of your initial payment and within 7 days of your current monthly cycle, we are able to refund you the prorated amount minus the previous month(s) of service. 50% of the initial site audit fee and 50% of the site migration fee will be applied to your balance if cancellation occurs within the first 4 months of service.
- If we're building your website:
If you ask for a refund within the first 36 hours of purchase, you will receive a full refund.
Should you decide you aren't satisfied with our services and ask for a refund after we present to you the website we've built for you within 30 days of your initial payment, $99 will be deducted from the total amount you've paid. In most cases, that means your first month will NOT be refunded to you. This is to cover a portion of labor costs to building the site.
If you're on a monthly plan and should you decide you aren't satisfied with our services after 30 days of your inital payment and within 7 days of your current montly payment, you are elegible for a full refund of the current month. 50% of the initial payment will be applied to your balance if cancellation occurs within the first 4 months of service.
If you're on the annual plan and should you decide you aren't satisfied with our services within 75 days of your initial payment and within 7 days of your current monthly cycle, we are able to refund you the prorated amount minus the previous month(s) of service. 50% of the initial site audit fee and 50% of the site migration fee will be applied to your balance if cancellation occurs within the first 4 months of service.
Ready To Get Started?
The quickest way to reach us is through the chat function found on this site. It’s always located in the bottom right corner of the page. Simply fill out the form to begin a conversation. If we’re away, once you contact us you may close the chat window or navigate away from the site and we’ll reply back to you through email.